Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 7: Magic Kingdom Finale

It's our last day in Disney World!  We leave EARLY tomorrow morning to go home.  It has been a great time, and super fun for the kids to see their cousins.  We took off to Magic Kingdom, which seems to be the overall favorite for us, and took Grandma and Addie with us.  Leiden was really happy she could spend the day with Addie.

Mimi was just happy to get out of her stroller for a bit and wheel it around.  The weather, for the first time this whole week, is a little cooler today with misty rain falling.

Addie was a little overwhelmed by the idea of the Haunted Mansion.  Grandma took her out and a shop owner saw that she was sad and gave her a sucker.  So of course my girls got treats, afterwards!  (I don't know what the appeal is with those suckers...except that they are colorful, because they taste awful.  But the kids love them.)  Mimi got a really weird gummy Mickey face, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

Mimi and her gummy were actually a little disturbing...

Mac's only wish today was to go on Splash Mountain, so I stayed back with Mimi and Leiden and managed to catch this shot of them going down the giant 'tummy drop'.  (Yes, it is them, even though you can't tell from the picture!) 

Grandma got wet and I think was a little surprised at the ride!  Mac and Daddy are grinning!

Of course we went on a final tour of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Mimi looks awesome in this picture.  SO excited to be on a ride.  She has been turning to us all week saying, "ride?  ride?"

Mommy and Mac on the same ride.

Leiden was in the restroom, and a kind stranger took this of us. 

We didn't stay long, today, just long enough to go on the rides we wanted one last time.  Leiden was super brave, today.  Addie convinced her that Space Mountain was a ride worth going on, so she actually went on it!  She looked a little shaken up afterwards (literally and figuratively), but claimed she liked it.

Mimi crashed after we got home, but not before trashing the port a crib.  She somehow completely picked up the 'mattress' inside of it, removed the sheets, threw them on the floor, folded up the mattress, and then finally fell asleep with one of the metal bars in her back.  It looked so uncomfortable, but she was out like a light.

While Mimi slept in metal bar bliss, the girls enjoyed a final swim in the pool.  Mac is in love with goggles, now, and has asked Grandma to get her some for her upcoming birthday.  Grandma also got her a new swim pack, which greatly reduces our worry and stress when Mac is in the pool.

As long as she has it on, she is very competent in the water.

Leiden has become a little fish in the pool this week.  It has been really good for her to spend so much time in the water.

She can swim (kind of doggie-paddle, anyway) from one long end of the pool to the other, deep end and all.

Poor Aunt Adria wanted a picture of us all wearing our Mickey ears at one of the parks, but it never worked out.  So, we got them on before bed tonight, and snapped one, anyway!

Thanks, guys, for all the fun and excitement!  Tomorrow we go home, and get back to real life.

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