Sunday, January 29, 2012

Real Life is Right

Yesterday on the plane I noticed Mimi tugging on one of her ears, but just thought it was the pressure.  I kept telling her to suck her thumb, and then I forgot about it.  Later last night, Mac told me her ear hurt.  Uh oh.  Hoping that it was just residual from the plane, I checked in her ear, which should have been cleared up from the 10 day stint on Amoxicillin, and lo and behold, it was FAR worse.  Like, even-I-can-tell-with-my-limited-knowledge-of-what-eardrums-should-look-like worse.  Red, with yellow bubbles--it looked bad.  It was too late to take her even to urgent care, so this afternoon we hopped off and I took Mimi with us after looking in the ear she was tugging on.  Yep.  Amox didn't work, and they both need more treatment.  Now we're starting something stronger.  Here's to getting well!

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