Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Worst

There's Mac, on the front row, in her first official-in-our-own-ward Sunbeam class!  She did such a great job, sitting there during Sharing Time and Singing Time.  I'm so glad I am also in Junior Primary with both girls.  Mac's class is large--10 kids, I think, so her teachers will have their work cut out for them!

Tonight I was on the internet, when I hear pounding footsteps in Leiden's room, her door wrenched open really fast, and then a 'splat' sound.  Uh oh.  I, rather hesitantly, ventured upstairs to see what was going on--yep.  She is sick.  This is the worst.  I can. not. stand. the tummy sicknesses!  It's emetiphobia, or something like that?  Really.  Cannot stand it.  So poor little Leiden has caught a bug.  Hopefully it will be quick, and it won't spread through the house!

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