Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012, everyone!  While I did not stay up to celebrate the new year last night, I was awakened in a panic when the (illegal) aerial fireworks started going off at midnight.  Some genius thought it would be cool to use his car horn to bring in the new year.  Being suddenly awakened in my sleep, I felt like I was in Afghanistan.  Half asleep and hearing the loud, shot-like noises, my mind immediately jumped to, "They're trying to break into our cars!"  I lurched off the couch where I was sleeping and stumbled to the window, tripping over my laptop in the process.  It probably took my mind five minutes to process that the loud noises I was hearing were part of celebrations and not violent mischief.  So after the noise finally stopped, I went in to check on the girls, who were all sleeping soundly as could be.  How do they do it?

We went to church this morning at my mom's ward, and sacrament was the usual three ring circus.  And then two amazing things happened.
1.  Mimi walked right into nursery, in a strange ward, and didn't look back!
and 2.  Mac started Primary as a Sunbeam! 
My mom's friend is in the Primary, and she said Mac did great.  I really meant to take my camera or at least my phone to take a picture of her, but I forgot.  My mom's friend said she's noticeably more mature than the other little Sunbeams, because she's a whole 10 months older than two of them!  I'm just glad it went well and she said she enjoyed herself.  Next week, when we're back in our ward, I'll be sure to take a picture or two of her first official Sunday in her real class.

After church, it was naptime for Mimi.  She was quiet for a long time, so I went to check on her, and found this.

She had reached out of the portacrib, opened the drawer to the desk in that room, and found a pack of gum.  She unwrapped a bunch and ate them, leaving the rest on the crib floor.  She also had a rather chic ribbon tied around her neck. 

Tonight was dinner at Mike and Leigh's, always a lovely occasion at their very nice home.  Almost my entire family was there, again, so it was a full house.  The girls are getting a kick out of my brother's unholy mass of hair.  Brad called him Hagrid at Christmas. 

Mimi grabbed it in her fists and pulled a couple times. 

Mimi was really cute with my grandfather, who is getting old and can be rather intimidating to a tiny person.  Not Mimi!  She hung out with him for a while, leaning on his chair and smiling at him.

Then she gave him the sweetest kiss! 

Tonight's dinner also served as a little family celebration of Mad's birthday, so he was served cream cheese lemon pie, his favorite. 

Busy first day of the year!  It is always exciting to start a new year.  There are so many possibilities ahead, and you really do feel like turning over a new leaf.  I am not making any formal 'resolutions', but there are certainly things I want to work on.  And I want to keep documenting my family's life!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Joni and Madison said...

Hey my unholy mass of hair is growing on people! Ha ha, and remember one more thing.....FEAR THE BEARD!!!