Sunday, April 22, 2012

Strawberry Jam

Sunday is not generally a day you would can fruit, but the strawberries were molding!  I bought a bunch--like 6 pounds--for the party yesterday, and had TONS more than I needed.  They were super on sale at Aldi, but I didn't want to throw them away and one more day would have done it.  As it was I threw away probably a pound that were already soft and moldy.

The girls were excited to mash up the berries, although it was harder than they thought it would be.

Mimi is a sweet little thing.

I wish I could see my whole face here, smiling at Mimi, but I didn't even know Brad was taking the picture.

Making jam is really quite quick, and here are my finished 4 1/2 pints of jam.  Not sure what the white part is, unless it's the foam that forms as it's boiling.  And amazingly enough, it tastes like strawberry jam!

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