Tuesday, November 6, 2012


So, big day, today.  Not only is it my 32nd birthday, but it is also voting day.  I cannot tell you how exultant I felt as I pulled up to the building where my precinct votes, and saw all the cars there.  There is something so fundamentally right about being able to cast your vote.  I felt hope that things would turn out the way I wanted.  My vote even counts this year, as Minnesota no longer is solidly democrat. 
Not only is it important to exercise our rights as American citizens to vote for offices, but I feel that this election is more important than others before it.  There is much at stake for us and for our children and the generations to come that will be affected by the outcome of this day.  This is more than just who we want for President.  It's what we want the future of the United States of America to look like.  What is tolerable and what is absolutely not.  What is representative of the life we want and what is not.  I have never struggled to retain respect for the great office of the President of the United States, but I have greatly struggled with rapidly decreasing respect and then on to straight up dislike for the man who currently holds that office today.   I want my children to be happy in America, to be proud to say they are American anywhere in the world.  I want them to have something to be patriotic about.  I don't want to have to tell them stories about how America used to be.  I want them to live those stories.

I have been thinking a lot about fear and preparation lately, with this election coming up.  Pretty sure a lot of it is paranoia, but I also truly do not think the outlook of our country is too great if we continue on the same way we have been.  We are taught Doctrine and Covenants 38:30, "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear."  This counsel and reminder is truly applicable in all situations.  My family's preparations are largely made.  Now we just need to not fear.  And then prepare some more as we can.  And then, lastly, remember that Heavenly Father is watching over us, and that the Gospel is true and the work moves on to bring souls to the Savior.  As the outcome of today's efforts became clear late this evening, I shed tears of disappointment and sorrow.  Brad had already left for London, and the girls were in bed.  I felt inspired to hop on over to the Church News webpage, and predictably, there were very few political stories, but headlines about Temple dedications, mission presidents, new callings, the message of the Gospel, and I felt a sense of peace.

Regardless of tonight's election outcome, I can have that sense of peace remain with me. 

And it helps to have such a sweet family on birthdays!  Brad whipped up his Special Waffles for me before I left to vote this morning.
This evening after dinner we had some cupcakes before Brad had to leave.  The girls insisted we put a candle in one.
Will I get my wish?  Unfortunately, I already told what it was.
Brad left after cupcakes and he'll be back on Friday night.
I also received gifts in the mail that I forgot to take pictures of.  I got jewelry, and a hand knitted scarf, and in a combined birthday and Christmas gift a Sun Oven for emergency preparedness. 

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