Friday, November 23, 2012


There is snow on the ground, and Brad came home this morning with a new sled!
Mimi is still into eating it, I guess.
We sent all the kids out, even though Layton and Isabelle didn't have snow pants.  They only lasted a little while and then we had to warm them up!
Christmas came out, today, and the girls all helped put the ornaments on the tree.  I should have taken a picture--all the stuff was on the very bottom of the tree.
This afternoon we went and participated in a service project putting together care packages that will go to the elderly with Meals on Wheels.  The kids were in charge of decorating the envelopes for the cards.
All the adults had to sign all 100 cards, and then stuff the bags with the goodies we all brought.
It was cold, today, with the high somewhere around 29.  We decided to brave Holidazzle, anyway.  We were SO cold.  I had literally forgotten how to dress the kids for very cold.  They should have had snow pants and scarves on, too.  They did really great, though.  The hot chocolate probably helped.
And last, in a busy day, was the lighting of the house!
The Wrights leave tomorrow morning.  It has been a great visit with them.  We are so glad they chose to come up and see us.  Tonight we relaxed in front of the fire
with the tree on in all its glory. 
Merry Christmas season!

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