Monday, November 12, 2012

Book of Mormon

There was the slightest dusting of snow on the ground this morning when we got up.  The girls were super excited to gear up for it.  Mac went whole hog with snowpants and gloves and hats and boots.  Leiden kept her cool with no snowpants.  Funny, but when we went to pick up Mac from preschool, her teacher said not to send them in snowpants yet!  They do a whole unit on how to get ready to go outside so as to avoid 2 adults having to suit up 18 kids.  I hope Mac wasn't the only kid in snowpants!
We had a good Family Home Evening tonight.  I'm still working through Preach My Gospel, slowly.  Tonight's lesson was on the Book of Mormon.  We need to do better at reading it as a family.  If I had thought about this sooner, I would have set it up so Leiden would complete the Book of Mormom before her birthday, but I did the math, and that would require us reading 33 verses a night.  And not skipping any nights.  That would categorically not have happened.  It takes Mimi quite a while to copy back even just a couple verses.  So, the next best thing is to just be reading it.  This is the chart I made, so we can visually track our progress.  The girls were pretty gung ho after the lesson, so we read all of the first chapter of Nephi 1.  It took a while.
Leiden filled in the first chapter's spot. 

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