Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Day in the Life

So today was super fun.  I had the idea to send Derek pictures as though he was with me throughout the day...all my different activities and chores, etc.  So we started out with getting ready. 

Then it's time to apply makeup.

After dropping Mimi off, which I forgot to picture, I did some work on the computer.

Did remember to get a picture to go pick her up!

Took Mac to school.

Hung out on the couch while talking to Derek!

Got ready to go on a run.

Headed out the garage to go for a run, and found the power was out!  So the garage door couldn't be closed.  Hopefully it will be back on quickly.  Mimi wasn't happy about not going in the stroller.  I was equally unhappy that on what seems like the only day I manage to get out to run with Mimi, I can't go!

Opted to mow the lawn instead.

Then did all the edging.

Planted the tomato plants...hopefully we'll have a tomato or two by the Fourth of July!

While I was planting, the girls came home from school, and had the great idea to bring a snack outside.  Totally fine, until I realized they had poured cereal into GLASS bowls...yeah.  Mimi's took a dive onto the sidewalk.  I had a milky cheerio and ceramic mess.  And darn it, it was one of the bowls I brought them back from Germany!  

And...notice my sleeveless workout shirt?  Yeah.  Great for sweating out in the heat...not so great for sweating outside in the SUN...yep.  Sunburn alert.  Not good.

Well, as it turns out, there was a crazy drunk driving accident out on 1000 E. just down the street from our house, and the car had run into the power line, blowing it.  So the power is not likely to be on for some time.  They even had to redirect kids walking home from school.  Well, it's hot outside, and with no power, it's getting hot INSIDE, too.  So it was off to Grandmere's we went.  I had to manually release the garage door and lower it.

We grabbed dinner on the way to Grandmere's house.  It was a great excuse for Hire's hamburgers and root beer!

I borrowed some aloe vera for my sunburn.

And after checking the power company website, determined we would return home to power!

It was late, so I quickly got the girls ready for bed, and read scriptures with them.

I read scriptures by myself.

And then I went to bed!
Whew!  Derek got quite the rundown of my day...my hope was that he could have a taste of normalcy amidst the tasks he faces 7000 miles away.  I love him and miss him.

In other news, today, pictured, but not sent to Derek,  Mimi brought home her little letter rocket.  She is doing very well at school, and I can't believe an entire school year is almost done.  A whole year of preschool that she has loved!

In the car, no less, on the way to Grandmere's house, Leiden drew a human heart...!  I was very surprised to see how much it actually looks like one!  This little girl can draw!

I imagine most power companies probably have something like this, but it's super handy, especially if you have a laptop that runs on battery, or a data plan on a mobile device...pretty cool.  The power actually wasn't on until 7:59, but their estimates were very helpful.
What a day!

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