Saturday, May 24, 2014

The girls are gone this weekend with Brad, so I helped my parents with some stuff at their house.  My dad and I left to go to Home Depot, and found this little guy.  Smack in the middle of the sidewalk.

We went out for dinner at a Greek restaurant.  This time was pretty good.  I enjoyed the restaurant we went to some time ago, but I think I got the wrong thing.  Way too much cinnamon.  Tonight I got a greek salad with gyro meat.  THAT was good.  I love greek salad, and look forward to fresh tomatoes in the garden to make my own.  MMM.

I love taking pictures with my parents.  Really, who am I kidding, I love to take pictures, period.  And I'm glad to have some with these great people.  Thanks for an evening out, guys!

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