Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Getting Better

I pulled this little guy out of our fruit and vegetable bowl...CRAZY!  It's clearly been there a little bit too long.  The girls thought it was pretty cool.  And you know what?  They're right.

Mac is continuing to do better and better each day.  She is SO skinny, and we're still having to fight to get food down her little throat.  She still says her throat hurts occasionally, but she is doing really well.  She's still in my room to sleep at night, but that's going much better, now.  I generally wake her in the night to give her a dose of ibuprofen or tylenol, but she generally just goes right back to sleep.  I had forgotten how nicely everyone sleeps when they are sleeping in their own room!

Today some friends came by to play...Mimi and Coleman did running races in the backyard, which badly needs to be mowed, again, now that I'm looking at this picture!

If you look closely, that happens to be a giant puzzle piece on Mimi's leg.  Mac got a big puzzle at Christmas, and had put it together on a big piece of cardboard.  The pieces were self sticking, but some of them are falling off...and apparently sticking to legs.  ;)

Mac wanted to come outside and watch the kids play, but she's surprisingly content to not run around.  I think she's worried about the scabs coming off her throat.  She heard a story or two she probably shouldn't have.  They involved blood, and vomiting because of the blood.  Honestly, I didn't know she was even listening, but yes, she's concerned.  She knows that she's not supposed to exert herself so her throat doesn't get worse, so she's not chancing anything.  I surely hope when her scabs DO come off, that there aren't complications.  After all the reassuring I'm doing, I'd better not be proven wrong!

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