Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Beets are a wonderful vegetable.  I love to use the greens to make a chopped salad, and the gorgeous beets themselves chopped up and put in it, making everything a pretty pink color.

I have been indulging Mac, and therefore, Mimi, in slurpees this week...they love it, and they help Mac's throat, so we get them often!

I spent some time helping my parents at the shop today, and ended up taking some numbers home to cut out here...I haven't done this particular job for years!  Talk about a walk down memory lane!  I'm glad I can help.  That I'm nearby, and able to swing by the shop and pick up a little slack.  They have an enormous order in process right now, and need hundreds of numbers traced and cut out.  And frankly, I'm all about keeping busy these days!

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