Thursday, May 8, 2014

Leiden is very excited about her upcoming Minecraft birthday party!  I found these cool invitations on Etsy, and since Leiden will be able to hand deliver them to her friends, they can be big.  This will be the last party, and then I can finally get my pictures back up on the wall!

Made some new play dough today...Mimi is ROUGH on her play dough.  Most of it doesn't end up back in the baggies, tons of it on the floor...and that's when she actually puts it right away.  Not to mention trying to keep the colors separate from each other.  There is nothing more tempting to a little girl than mixing up beautiful, solid colors of play dough.  This is a really fun recipe, super easy to make, and particularly fun because the dough is colored and scented with Kool-Aid!  I'm surprised at how well the dough retains the scent of the drink mix, even after a long time.  I see recipes for edible doughs often on Pinterest, and Derek tells me his favorite is peanut butter dough...but letting Mimi loose on edible play dough seems like a recipe for disaster!

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