Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Finally Christmas morning is upon us!!!  We took this video as the girls came into the living room.  It's in three parts because I couldn't upload it in a single video.  They were thrilled with the madness of it all!

Here the girls are, with all the splendor!  We decided not to take any more pictures so we could focus on the girls and just being together.  They got so many cool things, and so did Jon and I!

We went up to Grandmere's for Christmas breakfast and gifts and met with family there.  Breakfast was wonderful, and there was a festive spirit!

We were trying to arrange for a picture in front of the tree and presents before the mess of opening them set in, and Thomas was being a little bub.

We finally made it work with Thomas in the picture, too!

Then of course a silly one.  The girls have been little stinkers lately, pulling faces in pictures that are supposed to be nice, so the rule has become a nice one, then you can be silly in another one!  The silly ones are definitely better in a way!

Our first Christmas as a family!

We are silly.

Then the tussling began!  Thomas thought this was for him, and despite the multitude of other gifts that WERE for him, he got in a tug of war with Joni!

Matriarch and Patriarch overseeing the fun.

We tried to take a cute one of Thomas and his parents, but he was being as silly as the girls are!

Mimi is in love with the giant bear we got her, and insisted she bring it up to Grandmere's.  She perched with him quite a bit, and has named him Mr. Bear.

Mac and the other girls helped with distribution of gifts.  I think they see it as the fastest way to see what's theirs!

Our first Christmas married!

Shortly after gifts the girls went to their Dad's and Jon and I went to see his family for a bit, then home to decompress.  We returned later for Christmas dinner of Swedish meatballs, which Jon happily ate, but he was not on the super pro hamball team!

It has been such a lovely day spent with family.  Merry Christmas!

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