Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Well.  Not two hours after I put Leiden to bed last night, she came knocking on our door, having been sick.  Sigh...I hate that.  It's the worst.  So I headed downstairs to sleep on the couch and be able to help her, and like clockwork, all night from 11-7 every 30 minutes she was sick.  That meant a Gatorade run, and one tired mama by morning.  Luckily it finally subsided, and she was just so tired and sore.  She slept much of the day, watching tv, and I set to cleaning like mad.  Bleach cleaner everywhere!  Then I remembered she had made and delivered cookies just a couple hours before coming down sick and now I'm worried all her recipients will be exposed to whatever germ she's fighting!

All day has been fuzzy with no sleep, but this evening there were some beautiful painted mountains to look at as the sun went down.  Our prayers are that no one else gets sick, and that we can all get some rest!  

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