Saturday, February 3, 2018

Busy Saturday!

Jon's latest hobbies include sprouting for delicious salads and microgreens.  This is his crop so far!  They are actually really delicious and fresh growing green things are so good for our bodies.

Soooo...the chicken juice that seeped into the car has definitely struck again.  It was fine for a few days, then began to smell terrible.  We really had no idea what to do because it's not like a spill on a non porous surface.  It has soaked down INTO the fabric seats, and that's where the smell is coming from.  We did some research, and found that our best bet would be to completely soak the seat in vinegar and hydrogen peroxide by turns.  This had better work, because it smells bad!  Today was the first soak with hydrogen peroxide.  Pray this works!!  The girls will have to sit on a garbage sack above the wet spot.

FINALLY we headed up to Midway today to take down the last of the decorations from the barn party.  The whole process is so exhausting, but it's done now!

It's not snowy at all except for on the very tops of the mountains.  Timp was looking exceptionally lovely this morning!  It has been a bizarre winter with almost no snow.

Meemers lost another tooth today!  I love their little gappy grins.  And they are only there for such a short time.

We decided to just get Leiden in to get her back x-rays quickly so we could receive the results quickly and know what was coming next.  Stewing has never been my thing.  Rip that bandaid off! 
We got a disk with the images on it, but obviously we can't read the results.  It was fascinating to look at these pictures of her bones!  Fingers crossed that the news is good!

Mac is LOVING gymnastics, and runs and jumps about as often as she can.  A very mild winter has allowed her lots of outside time...and with no coat!

Here's the video:

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