Sunday, February 25, 2018

Holy Smokes, Guess What?!

Jon and I decided last month that we wanted to begin trying to grow our family.  We have been actively preventing with pills, so my hopes for this month weren't particularly high, and I had felt like my period was coming this last week, but it never appeared.  This morning I took a test, and THERE WAS A LINE FOR PREGNANT!  Jon and I are stunned and so completely surprised that we have been so quickly blessed with this. 

In full disclosure, it was a Sunday, but once we knew, we knew we needed to tell our parents.  I have, of course, been thinking about how we would do that when the time came, I just wasn't expecting it this morning!  So off we ran to Target before church and grabbed some little tiny onesies.  I cut out the design on my silhouette, and painted the news on the front.

We wrapped up the onesie like a gift, and made some silly excuse to go up to Grandmere and Bapa's house this afternoon, where we gave the gift to them to open.  They are so excited, too!  Grandmere made all sorts of excited sounds and I think both she and Bapa are very happy another little grandchild is on the way!

Jon and I took this picture so we could tell Grandma and Grandpa G today, too.  We called Grandpa G, and while we were talking with him, we texted this picture to Grandma's phone, and told her to look at it while we were on the line.  She SCREAMED!!!  And thought we were kidding her!  It was such a fun evening sharing this incredible news with our parents.

We decided we are going to wait a while to tell anyone else, including the girls, until things are a little more 'for sure'...we have one heck of a secret to keep!!  Because it is so early, 3 weeks, 6 days, I feel no different at all...we will see how this goes being so much older!

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