Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a morning!  It is a Wednesday, so Thomas was coming, and Jon and I were up late last night getting the little balloon surprise ready.  We quickly concluded his vision far exceeded the realistic possibilities, so we scaled down.  Each girl got a color scheme of balloons, and both he and I wrote little notes to the girls on their balloons of things we love about them.

They were thrilled!

And so was Thomas when he walked in and there were balloons everywhere!

The girls did their own Valentine's boxes almost completely on their own this year.  Mac just needed help finding gymnasts and getting them the right size for her gymnastics bar and beam box!

Her idea turned out so cute!

Mimi just headed downstairs and got to work on hers, which is kind of how she operates.  She has an idea, and she simply sees no reason not to just implement it!  Done completely on her own, her unicorn valentine box looked super cute, too!

They are ready with their valentines for their classmates, and they were off!

I spent the day on Mimi's unicorn party preparations.  Her party will be this weekend, and Mac is going to graciously wait until March for hers.  It's the year for friend birthdays, so things are hectic!  At least my instituting the every other year rule will make things hectic this week only every other year!

Her favor bags are little unicorns, so today was putting the ears and horns and flowers on.  I love my silhouette so much!

Some quick work with a sharpie, and voila!  Unicorn bags!

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