Friday, March 2, 2018

At least the programs and the lyrics turned out perfectly!  You can't really tell in the pictures, but they are printed on the palest of pink cardstock, and Jon's work printers really are high quality.  They look professionally done, and I'm so pleased with them.

Instead of all the ombre and flowers, I had to seriously simplify the cakes.  I decided to keep the different hues, and each little cake will be done in one color. 

I did a simple design on the tops of the cakes and attempted a 'watercolor' look on the sides.  It's good Mimi is the star of this show and not the cakes!!  And they will taste good regardless. 

As Leiden and Mimi discovered gymnastics wasn't quite what they were super interested in, they decided to try ice skating.  We attended their class today, and watched them practice their skills.  

They are already improving and it's really fun to watch. 

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