Friday, March 30, 2018

Ireland Day 1

We left for Ireland this afternoon!  We had a harried morning trying to get everything packed last minute, and then thought of a couple things we needed so we ran out to grab them.  One of them being a selfie stick, which was amusing to no end!  Right before my dad came to pick us up, we filmed the week's How Big is Our Baby reveal so we could send it to the girls on Monday through Skype.

We made it to the airport with no trouble, got checked in with our bags, and found our seats!  We were so excited, but I am a little apprehensive about the night ahead...sleeping for real in an airplane is pretty difficult.  I'm hoping with the combination of being super tired all the time with baby, and all my regular nighttime vitamins and a Benadryl, I should be able to zonk.  We shall see!

Our first leg was the flight to New York, which took us right over Detroit.  Jon took a picture of the flight tracker right as we passed over and we waved out the window to Grandma and Grandpa G!  We tried to get the airplane wi-fi working so we could text them to LOOK UP, but it didn't work out.

The next leg is New York to Dublin, which actually isn't that long a flight.  It's only about 6 hours, so my fingers are crossed.

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