Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Today was unfortunately a visit to the dentist for a mold for a replacement retainer.  I'm super not happy about needing another...they are expensive and I'm annoyed at myself for not keeping track of the other one appropriately.

Just this last weekend, Jon and I were talking, and we decided we don't want baby to be a secret.  We had originally wanted to wait until risk was lower, but the more we thought about it and talked about it, we feel it's best to have people know, both so they can partake with us in our joy, but also in case there is tragedy.  Particularly the girls.  We had felt we were protecting them in case of tragedy, but they would need to know why mom and Jon were sad, and it could all be a learning experience.  So now we get the SUPER EXCITING task of telling all our important people!  We are planning on telling the girls soon, but Tara and I were going to lunch today, and I prepared this card for her to open and find out the news with!

She opened it, and it took a second for her to understand, and she was in tears, so excited for us and our news.  She has struggled with her inability to have children, and her joy in our news is touching and meaningful. 

Jon's sprouts are doing AMAZING, growing like crazy.  We will be eating them all up soon!

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