Friday, January 18, 2019

Every day Mimi is hard at work downstairs, creating something new from her imagination.  She is incredibly internally motivated and resourceful.  She wanted to make a ball from her 3D pen material, so she blew up a balloon and formed the shape around it with the 3D pen, then popped the balloon, leaving a hollow ball shape.  It was a little gift for Zada!

Mac absolutely loves to hold her.  She asks multiple times a day, and perches on the couch with her.

Jon is super excited because today his kefir grains came from Australia!  We have been drinking Lifeway as a family and Jon's dad has been making kefir for years.  He ordered these grains a couple weeks ago and they had to delay shipping because of heat in Australia.

They ship in milk to keep them alive, hence the necessary delay.

First item of business was to filter them out of the shipping milk.

And get them into the jars Jon will use to grow them in.

The grains look a lot like yellow-y cottage cheese, or little bits of creamy cauliflower.  There weren't many in the shipment, but in the right conditions they grow!

Jon has chosen to use Winder Milk, because the cows live in the same area we do, and are exposed to the same environmental biome we are.  Plus it's super fresh!  He is very excited to see how this goes.  I have again felt a little left out, so Jon is currently researching how to keep the grains not only alive but flourishing in coconut milk so I can have kefir too!

He has also been working on kombucha cultures, which reside up in the cupboard above the fridge.  We are trying to get probiotics in us left and right!

Little Miss watched all these proceedings from mommy's shoulder.  The hours before bedtime are snuggly! 

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