Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mimi has an assignment for school to write a tutorial, complete with pictures, that teaches the reader how to do something.  She chose to teach how to make unicorn cupcakes.  So we did it!

Here she is with her recipe, all her ingredients gathered, and her school sheet to fill out.

After following the recipe she filled the cupcake liners with the batter

and baked the cupcakes!

She came up with the unicorn decoration herself, which consisted of white and pink frosting,

toothpicks she had colored with edible markers for the horn, and eyelashes drawn on the liner!  Go Mimi!  I helped her fill out her sheet as we went, and she completed her assignment.  We will print out pictures of her process and she will turn it in.

Leiden took out braids this evening and was looking particularly 80's glam rock, so we took her picture.  The pose, tongue out, and hand gestures were all her idea!

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