Wednesday, January 23, 2019

She is so funny in her carseat.  She is so excited when we take off the cover and peek in at her.

Little Miss got a new sleep sack!  I saw an ad for a different style of sleep sack that allows their arms to be up and more free, but still keeps them pretty contained.  I was super intrigued, and in my research I found some comparison reviews, and found this particular brand.  We really like it because it is tight around their middle, mimicking the swaddling sensation, but arms up so they can self soothe by sucking on their hands.  The best part is that the arms are removable!  So the transition to sleeping arms free is much easier.  You can unzip one arm at a time, and everything else stays the same.  On it went for bedtime last night, and she did great!  I think we may just start with this style with the babies to come.

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