Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Her swaddle just isn't working so well anymore.  We wrap her up so tight, and then we come in to her little arm waving around, and her other hand up by her chin.  She is so dang adorable!

Mimi's cuteness strikes again!  Her teacher's birthday is tomorrow, and she and some other kids in the class got together (on their own!) and decided they wanted to give her a gift basket, which just melts my heart.  Mimi chose to make her teacher some jewelry and a little stand for it out of modeling clay.

She made a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a ring, as well as the stand.

This girl's creativity and sweet kindness just pierces me.  I'm sure her teacher will greatly appreciate such a gesture!

Daddy and Zada got in some reading time today!

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