Tuesday, February 26, 2019

11 and 9 year well checks for the younger girls today.  They are healthy and strong.  Mac opted to do her middle school shots today, and did great even though it was a surprise.

We really love Zada's pediatrician, so we decided to take the older girls to him as well.

They are growing and doing great.  Mac is 4'9", which is the 56th percentile for height, and 85 lbs 5 oz, which is 57th percentile for weight.

Mimi is 4'11", which is the 99th percentile for height and 81 lbs 13 oz, which is the 88th percentile for weight.  She hasn't slowed down yet!  I honestly love getting these stats!

Because Leiden was positive for Flu A, Dr. Erickson placed Tamiflu on a call in prescription in case either of them get sick and then we can get them on it soon enough to do some good.  Fingers crossed they won't need them!!!

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