Monday, February 11, 2019

I wanted to love this ring sling.  It seemed so much simpler than some of the wraps I see around.  But I just don't.  It seems to smoosh baby and makes it seem like it's hard for her to breathe.  That scares me.  Not to mention it's uncomfortable to use...digging into my shoulder and forever needing to be tightened.  I'm sure there's some user error in all this, but in all its a bit of a disappointment.

Zada found no disappointment today playing with Mac!  She was supremely proud of herself for snagging her nose!!

Leiden has a project presentation tomorrow so tonight was preparing her display.  She has had so little literally none this year...I seem to remember way more homework than that.  Have schools changed?  Or are we in for a rude awakening next year with high school?? 

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