Friday, February 22, 2019

Today was a gymnastics meet up in Park City.  Mac came from Brad's house this time, as it's his weekend, and I'm glad it all worked out.  She was stressed out about her hair being done appropriately, and getting there on time, and whatever else.  Apparently their neighbor helped out with her hair, and it all worked out just fine!

I met them up there to see her compete, and was especially excited to see her do her floor routine, as she decided she was ready to add her back handspring to her routine.  She did it for the first time today, and it was great!

Her score was 9.000, so she did really well for it being the first time she added a new skill!

She participated in all the different routines, but unfortunately I poorly timed a needed pumping session and missed her uneven bars routine!  I felt bad, but was really grateful I saw her floor routine.

Little Mimi came to the meet to support Mac, and because there is so much down time at these meets, she got some Harry Potter reading in!  I'm loving that she likes these books so much.  We will need to encourage her after she is done with the series.

Mac did great, placing 4th on Vault, 5th on Uneven Bars, 2nd on Beam, and 8th on floor.  Way to go, Mac!

This is our little kefir station.  The house is pretty cold in the winter, and that slows the kefir down.  So Jon had the idea to create a warming station.  He put our old fish tank heater in a jar of water and he put all the various jars around the heated water to keep them moving.

I appropriated a spot for my just starting out sourdough starter for the same reasons!  Grow, good things, grow!

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