Friday, February 1, 2019

It's February already!  Time to flip the calendar to see what Mimi's February writings and drawings show!  She loves Michigan, Zada, Family, and friends!!  Be still my heart!

Mac had another competition today, this time in Sandy, which was nice.  Unfortunately there was a lot going on today so I wasn't able to stay and watch her.  She was confident and ready, despite having to pick our way through a super muddy field to get into the building!

Mimi does a lot of reading on the couches, but normally she's sitting on the couch.  Today I went in to the living room to see her reading like this!  I can't imagine it was comfortable, but she insisted it was!

Mimi had learned in STEM about how to make a light turn on using foil, and she came home and recreated with some tiny little fairy lights we have.

She is such a fun girl to have around.

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