Thursday, October 31, 2019

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZADA!  And Happy Halloween!  This will forever more be a super busy day!

We started off lining up some stuffed animals and toys, ending with her new doggie and some gifts.

She trundled out of her room and immediately saw the doggie. 

It was love at first sight! 

She was kind of interested in tearing the wrapping paper for just a minute.

New books! 

A cute little xylophone hammer combo toy! 

Magnetic tiles!!  She was very pleased with her new things and immediately set to work playing. 

Then the business of Halloween morning took over.  Leiden didn't get to dress up for school today, but she dyed her hair dark last night!  We used a semi permanent dye, and she's suddenly a brunette, just in time for Halloween!  I really like it.

Zada got special pancakes for her birthday!  I made pumpkin because Halloween, and hers had kefir for syrup, and a bit of whipped cream. 

She got right down to business and ate it all up. 

Jon was able to stay home for the morning so I could go to the annual elementary parade to see Meemer.  She looked so great with her tattered dementor robes! 

Mac got to dress up for school, too, so she had a comfy day in her jammies, but wore her new Summit Auto Lab shirt, courtesy of Faith and Clayton! 

This evening we divided a bit.  Leiden wanted to stay with her friends for a little get together and trick or treating, but the rest of us, including Ava, headed up to Grandmere's house for the annual hotdogs and chili before trick or treating!  I had remembered I kept this cute little coat from when Leiden was a baby, and it was perfect to keep this little witch warm in the cold evening. 

We enjoyed dinner, 

took Zada inside for a bit to warm up before heading out,

then went trick or treating! 

The people were seriously so charmed by this tiny little witch. 

It was really getting late, so she and I headed back early to get her to bed and Jon and my dad stayed with the other girls to trick or treat as long as they could last. 

I wanted to get a picture of her standing in a doorway to see what others would have seen, but she just wanted to come in. 

Later at home, the traditional candy inventory took place. 

Everyone had fun, Zada had an awesome birthday, and just like that, it's over!  Happy first birthday, little Zada!

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