Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tonight was the trunk or treat.  We were originally scheduled for last Saturday and it got cancelled because another ward needed the building for a funeral.  So we ended up having to share tonight with another ward, so it was a little different.  Jon also had to stay home so Zada could get to bed on time, and so that was weird too.  I don't like dividing what are supposed to be family activities, but life goes on and it won't be forever.

Mimi's dementor costume turned out so great, I love it.  Her creepy hands are super cool.

Leiden was also super cool in her 80s garb.  Unfortunately the makeup we got her was pale and kind of a let down, but we just tried to over apply! 

Mac was super cozy in her baby jammies and was very enthusiastic about her binkie. 

The evening was also made strange because it has been snowing and really cold, so the actual trunk or treat was inside the building, which was just not as fun.

Apparently Leiden was going around the building with all the other kids, quite a few way older than her, and some boys that were handing out candy gave her a hard time for trick or treating at her age.  So she stopped and came and sat with me!  I told her they were just jealous their moms made them hand out candy and not to listen to them, but she felt so self conscious she didn't do any more trick or treating.  Poor girl is right at that age.  I remember the last year I trick or treated in my grandmother's neighborhood, and a couple people at houses made comments about how old I was.  I definitely felt self conscious too!  Nowadays it's not uncommon at all to open your door and see 18 year old boys!  

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