Thursday, October 17, 2019

Today Jon had the day off work, but we went in for his work's Oktoberfest lunch.  He got a yummy pizza and I got pork schnitzel.  There was cabbage and all sorts of other German delicacies.  Zada went to town and made an enormous mess, but endeared herself to Jon's employees.

She also wandered around his work looking cute for a while! 

After her second nap, we drove up there again to go to the zoo.  Zada LOVED it.  She loved seeing the animals, she loved walking around outside, she just loved all of it. 

She got lots of opportunity to practice walking around. 

And the luxury of a stroller when the distance to walk was just too far! 

She's growing! 

We took a little train ride, which she liked, too. 

After the zoo, it was dinnertime, so we stopped at a little mom and pop burger joint we have been to before and got delicious fish and chips.  Zada was a bit too riled up to eat much of anything, but while we were trying to get her to eat her dinner, we saw a gourmet ice cream sandwich shop.  Of course we had to stop in and try it out. 

It was a really fun day of outings with little Miss.

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