Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's Wednesday!  A day of fun and frivolity with Jon here!  He gets to take off tons of time here at the end of the year, and I love it.  So does Zada!

She got to go on a bundled up walk this afternoon, so life for her is good! 

This evening were the choir concerts.  For both the middle and high school.  In different locations.  At the same time.  So we had to divide and conquer to see both.  We got a sitter to come watch the monitor and Jon and Mimi met my dad at the high school to see Leiden's concert. 

I met my mom at the middle school to see Mac's concert.

Pictures afterwards! 
The middle school's concert was kind of strange...there were some songs that weren't Christmas songs, which makes no sense.  Granted, with the fire they only had a couple weeks to really pull it off, but WHY wasn't it all Christmas music!?

Mac left with her dad and met up with Leiden after her concert, but we got this snapped of them. 

I was sad we had to separate, and I hope the schools communicate about this in the future.  It was honestly a silly double booking that could have been different.  But in the end, hooray for Christmas concerts!

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