Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!!  It's been a bit of a road getting here, and Jon and I are happy to report that we have not been sick!  We figure she must have eaten something, because there's no way we would have escaped a bug at those close quarters.

This morning was traditional Christmas breakfast, minus the girls.  I'm still sad we didn't get to follow through with our Christmas Eve plans, and be able to have them this morning, but we will do our best.

The tree and gifts! 

This is the only family picture we got, and it's blurry! 

The kids picture was more in focus!  And then it was time to dive in! 

Much to the kids' chagrin, it was up to them to disperse the gifts and then we opened them one at a time.  Zada wasn't fazed.  She had a great time just climbing on hers! 

The girls were actually a little ornery when they got to Grandmere's house, and it took a bit for it to subside.  There was a bit of a blasé attitude.  

But we overcame! 

It was a wonderful day, which we spent entirely with family and relaxing.  Zada took two good naps there, which we were grateful for.  She still didn't have much appetite, but we assume that will return the further we get from her illness.  The girls were excited to have ham balls again, and Mac folded the napkins nicely for our dinner table.  (After there was a huge argument about Mimi also folding napkins.) 

Because our Christmas Eve was spent very differently than we had hoped, tonight was our final sleep!  The girls each got a pair of jammies to wear on this most exciting of nights. 

After Zada was down, we finished the last touches on her busy board, and got everyone else to bed. 

As I was putting out the gifts from us, my heart swelled as I saw Mimi's efforts.  The little tinsel pipe cleaner attachment for her gift tags was just so sweet.  She has had the presents for the rest of us from her wrapped in her room for weeks.  I just love her.

Every year we say we're going to scale back, and every year it doesn't happen. 

Tonight is our night!

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