Saturday, May 28, 2011

Leiden's Birthday Party

Leiden loves science, so we decided to have a science birthday party. I had seen some pretty awesome inspiration online, so we forged ahead. These are the invitations I sent out.

These are the coordinating favor bags. (Love them.)

These are the little bubbling flask cookies I made for the favor bags.

I also made the cupcake toppers. Whew.

And little craft foam centerpieces for the balloons to hide in.

The set up, complete with placemats, test tubes, lots of empty cups, safety glasses, and little experiment cards.

Food experiments for dinner: Does pineapple taste good with olives? Let's find out!

Unfortunately, because we did this on Memorial Day Weekend, only two kids were able to come, but the little boy is the life of I'm sure any party he attends, so it was just fine. Leiden has made a lot of new friends here, so we stuck with just the new ones.

The experiments included color mixing, with these great color tablets that dissolve in water, and they mix, just like paint.

Too bad I have like 8 pairs of kid safety glasses left over. We sent out 12 invitations, and from the RSVP's, we expected 8 kids, including Mac and Leiden. There were 4 total. Including Mac and Leiden. I guess people don't really understand the function of RSVP. Mac was stylin'.

Leiden looked pretty cute in them, too!

The next experiment was Insta-Snow! Such fun for the kids,

and thankfully we took it outside.

Brad had the bright idea to experiment with the colored water and the Insta-Snow, but then it got stuck in the test tube.

Cute little water bottle labels.

The kids loved this experiment--soda and mentos geysers!

This was watching the first of three demonstrations of the geyser.

Then, someone thought it would be fun to try and run through the geyser.

Mimi was pretty entertained, as well. Although confined to her seat.

Experimental ice cream sundae bar. All the things you could want (well, six of them) on ice cream!

Like I said, life of the party.

The candle pictures were all blurry, so here is the birthday girl with her cupcake.

We are so lucky that Uncle Colin and Aunt Joy could be here for Leiden's special day!

Whew. It's been a busy few weeks leading up to this party! Brad tells me I need to not work so hard the next time, but it was so fun, and Leiden had a great time with her friends.


David said...
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David said...

Mercedes, you are a wonder as a Mom. But then you have been a wonder since I have known you and I have known you all of your life