Tuesday, May 17, 2011


For the last week, we have had total success with the potty! There have been no accidents, even during underwear-clad naptimes, and she has not pooped in her pullup for nighttime! As promised, we took a trip to Chuck E Cheese to commemorate the occasion. This picture is absolutely classic.

The girls spent almost all their tokens on the little 'rides' there.

We ate sub-par pizza. They seriously cut corners on the pizza. If they had better pizza, I think they could get so many more parents on board about bringing their kids there. As it is, well...the kids don't seem to mind.

Even Mimi got in on the action, and was SUPER tired--we're in the middle of switching to one nap instead of two, and so we're back to 6:30 and earlier bedtimes.

We are so proud of Mac, and glad that this whole thing kind of clicked. Her daytime behavior has also evened out a bit, although we are still seeing night-waking where before she only woke up maybe once a week at night. Hopefully that will also even out soon. Way to go, Mac!

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