Sunday, May 22, 2011


Today, while at church, the storms came, and it was almost dark as night outside. And then the tornado sirens started wailing. So we all headed into our church's basement, and rode out the 45 minute Tornado Warning there. Later on, of course, we heard that a tornado did indeed touch down just miles from us. Pretty eventful day at church. And then we went back upstairs and taught our lessons!

Brad took this after the fact, when the skies had cleared up a bit. The sky in the picture is dark grey, not blue.

I haven't seen a storm like that in a couple years. The tornado sirens creep me out. They really creep me out, because I know that they go off when there is great likelihood that there could be danger, and it's a really eerie feeling. Even worse when they go off in the middle of the night. But, we were all fine, and I don't think we'll ever forget that second hour of church!

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