Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Mimi has discovered hats. She trundles up to me with one, wanting me to put it on her head, and when I do she trundles off looking supremely happy with herself. When she pulls it off or it falls off she fusses and comes running back to me holding it out, wanting it back on.

This afternoon, while Brad was working on the shed and I was making dinner, the neighbor's sprinkling system came on, and the girls had a blast. Mac ran through for a bit in her dress up outfit. Awesome.

Leiden in her clothes and her boots. Hmmm.

While the girls were running around, I was cooking these babies in the inaugural grilling event of 2011.

We ate dinner outside, and Mimi was so excited. She loves to be outside in the fresh air. Add eating and you've got a recipe for a very happy girl.

Mac is doing so well with potty training. Just today she decided she was going to (sorry ahead of time...) poop in the toilet instead of her pull-up in the morning. Yay! She's still acting funny, so we get a lot of really exaggerated behaviors from her, and not as much normal Mac cuteness. She refused to smile for the camera.

A good, natural gappy smile from Leiden.

Mac lost the dress up outfit and also her pants somewhere along the way. Who needs pants to jump off the deck?

Food all over her face and hands? Time to go get in the sprinklers again!

She wasn't scared of the water spray at all.

They were all three sopping wet and ready for bed! What a beautiful day. I look forward to many more of these types of evenings this summer.

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

Your children just seem so happy. Those are images of an ideal childhood.