Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day of School Celebrations

This is actually the whole reason we came down to North Carolina--to meet baby Isaac! Brad is such a natural with children. There is something so appealing about his big hands holding their tiny bodies.

This afternoon we all headed to the pool for a little end of school celebration. Cousin Addie finished first grade today, and Leiden finished kindergarten a couple days ago, so a celebration was in order! The girls love going to the pool, and we really need to find more opportunities to get them in the water so they can learn how to swim. Mac is great, jumping in, totally submerging herself, and then popping back up. Of course she is jumping in where she can touch, but we have to start somewhere.

Leiden is slightly less bold, opting to jump in from the top stair.

It was really enjoyable to be at the pool this evening. We brought pizza and cupcakes, and it was really hot, making the pool super comfortable. Mimi loved being in the water, too, although she has yet to master keeping her face out of the water while she is breathing. She also keeps trying to squirm out of your arms, being completely oblivious to how dangerous that is. She is so big, I have to keep reminding myself that she is younger than she looks, and that means she is unaware of many dangers that her size can get her into.

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