Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Last Few Days

Sundays are tricky days around here. Church doesn't start until 1:00 PM, so we find ourselves with lots of time Sunday mornings--although apparently not enough time to make it out the door on time without stress! Hate that time block. Last Sunday morning we took off to the 'park with the long slide' and played around a bit. Mimi is just learning how to go down a slide and keep herself (mostly!) upright. She tries to grab the sides and that hampers her abilities.

I have me some silly girls!

It was quiet and I looked in the laundry room to find that Mimi had fully crawled into the art supply cupboard. She has recently mastered taking the caps off markers, but I always take them away to avoid messes. I guess she thought she'd go straight to the source.

Mimi had her first popsicle today--she loved it. Until she tried to take a bite and what was left fell right into the grass. It was so sad as she crouched down to try and find it.

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