Saturday, June 11, 2011


Mimi got a popsicle today, and being the wise mother that I am, I took her outside and planted her on the grass to eat it. Also being the wise mother that I am, I brought the camera with me. She loved eating it. She started out like this, with little dribbles.

Kept going strong, although I knew a mess was really on its way. She bites the popsicle, so I knew it would fall apart at the end.

Yep. It ended up in her hands.

This was the final result. Popsicle gone. Except for all the drips on her clothes. She loved it.

Later on, Mimi got to hold little Isaac. She had to be watched constantly, as she would poke his face and eyes, and she was forever trying to smash his binkie in his mouth.

My girls and their new cousin.

Watching shows was a popular pasttime during the hottest hours of the day. Thank heavens for air conditioned homes!

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

Look at Mimi's hair! It is so long, and very cute in pigtails. My little nephew, who is about Mimi's age, also LOVES eating popsicles, but he goes commando while devouring it in the backyard.