Thursday, June 2, 2011

June is Here!

Ever the master of messes, here she is with all the diapers pulled out of their bag. Sigh.

Today we went to the Mall of America with Colin and Joy so they could check it out. Mimi's 'Bapa Face'.

Mac looks worried.

Leiden done with the swings

Last stop? the Merry Go Round for all three. That was a little nerve wracking. Mimi must be held on to the whole time, and I also had Leiden and Mac to watch. And no one listens. Especially not the younger two, who need most TO listen.

So yesterday, Mimi was sitting in her booster seat on the chair, and then all of a sudden, Whammo, she was on the floor. She was strapped into her seat, but the seat was not strapped onto the chair. She bonked her head a little, but the main effect of this was that she is now terrified to sit in her booster. I understand, but she has to sit there to eat. We finally got her to sit there to watch a show this afternoon while I made dinner. We gave her a blankie, and she kind of huddled up against the wall and sniffled a little. How sad.

Later this evening, we took her outside for dinner where she was a little more distracted. She LOVED chomping on a corn cob, of all things, so we left her to it. At least then she wasn't crying to get out of her seat.

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