Thursday, October 20, 2011

Apple Orchards and Pumpkin Patches

Today we took off to an apple orchard/pumpkin patch.  Leiden was so excited to go pick apples.  It was a bit of a frosty morning, so the kids had on coats and mittens.  But they LOVED playing outside in the haystack!

Mimi kept trying to climb through this hollow log, but couldn't quite maneuver it right.

She also really enjoyed the little kid maze.  So much so that she wouldn't come out.  She would round the corner where she could come out and she would see me and turn around and run the other way. 

It really was cold, so we went to the cafe and got hot cider and cider doughnuts.  Delish.  Covered in sugar. 

Leiden and Mac spotted the flavored honey sticks and chose mint.  ? 

I didn't put Mimi in a stroller because I wanted her to run around, but then she wouldn't come when I called.  I would walk to get her and she would turn her head the other way.  If I don't see Mommy coming, maybe she doesn't see me! 

We took a (long) ride on a wagon, which took us out into the orchard section, where there were literally no apples left on the trees.  Leiden was disappointed that we wouldn't be traipsing out to pick apples off of trees, but I promised her we would go earlier next year.  She recovered quite nicely. 

Mimi was a little pill on the wagon ride. 

Then we rode the cow train! 

I actually rode with Mimi--there was no guarantee she would stay in her seat, and the little train went around a whole field. 

A fun morning at the orchard! 

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