Friday, October 14, 2011

Brad Returns

Brad Dad is back!  Hooray!  We have really missed him this week.  Mimi, literally every day, multiple times a day said, "Daddy?  Daddy?"  It was verging on pathetic.  Poor little girl.  But he's back now, and I imagine she won't want him out of her sight.

He came home bearing gifts.  Mac now sports a Beatles shirt. 

Leiden a bling-y English flag, which she is thrilled about. 

And Mimi a blurry iconic red telephone booth. 

I also received gifts, which I don't know if I'll ever use.  Brad got two working models from the Tower of London that you can assemble and they actually move--one of the rack, and one of the executioner.  Lovely.

Welcome home, Brad!

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