Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Halloween--Early!

Halloween packages came yesterday from Grandmere and Bapa.  The girls are so spoiled, and this wasn't even the first Halloween care package to come!  A few weeks ago Grandma sent the girls a Shrinky Dinks Monster Lab, which the girls got out with Brad one day when I wasn't around.  They loved making the little monsters and they REALLY loved hanging out by the oven door and watching  their creations curl up and shrink.

Mac looked less than impressed.

And then she found the window clings.  She thought they were pretty cool.

Who doesn't need a Halloween snow globe?  That also plays spooky music?

This was a random picture from breakfast this morning, unrelated to Halloween care packages, but I thought the four Kix stuck to her stomach were pretty funny.

Mimi got a little Halloween stuffed Frankenstein, which she loves to give loves to.

And, a little stuffed mummy, which she runs around the house with saying, "nunny, nunny".  It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Thanks for the good times!


Macdonalds said...

I didn't know you cut Mac's hair. So cute. Fun pictures. I heard we might be seeing you guys in two months. We can't wait!

Adria said...

Mac's hair is adorable. It makes her look so much older. We second the Shrinky Dinks. My kids loved watching them in the oven. Hope you're doing well. We miss you.