Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Fun in the Yard

I have never really gotten out of 'take pictures of Mimi' mode.  There always seem to be more of her than the other two.  It's a good thing she's cute.

Here she is, during some more abnormally warm October weather.  She's attacking Mac with the leaves.  Mac is less than impressed.

And she's reloaded! 

Now she's coming for me! 

She's got great hair--not to mention that it's now the longest of the three girls. 

We ended the day with a trip to take Brad to the airport.  He's on his way to London.  We tried to think of a way that I could go with him for at least part of the time, but it just was going to be too difficult.  About as difficult as the next week might be!  Church in particular is going to be rough.

1 comment:

bjahlstrom said...

Your Mimi has gotten so big! When did she turn into a toddler, and stop being a baby?