Sunday, October 2, 2011

Family Pictures--Tripod Style

This year I really wanted to get our pictures taken professionally--we've never done it, and I just love the quality you get from a good lifestyle photographer.  Well, I really wanted to, but I wanted other things more.  Like to buy groceries and gas for my car.  Photographers are expensive!  I know they provide a service I'm not able to duplicate, and I get it, but holy smokes.  Maybe next year.  So today we decided, rather last minute, that we were going to head out between and after conference and try to find some fall color to take some pictures with.  On the tripod.  So some of these were taken midday and others were taken this evening.

Here are some good ones of the girls.

We were standing around, and I couldn't figure out why Mimi kept folding her arms--and then I realized I was standing there with my arms folded.  Aha.

Want Mimi to look up?  Ask her where the airplanes are. 

And then here are several from the blooper reel.  Leiden is a blur, Mimi won't come, and I've got a death grip on Mac's arm to keep her right by me.

Actually a great picture.  Until you notice the giant plant in Mac's face.  How unfortunate.

Now I've let go of Mac, and Mimi has fallen on the ground in her haste to not listen to me.

And then here are the good ones--this one's probably the best.

Mommy and Mimi 

I wish this had been a closer shot of just me.  It's one of the relatively few pictures taken of me that I'm satisfied with.

The Macdonald's, circa 2011 

Am I a professional?  No.  Am I pleased overall?  Yes.  It was a lovely day, and I'm glad we made it out.


Matt said...

Looks like you've had lots of fun! Great pics...always an adventure, right?:) I like your favorite family pic too:)

Laura Taylor said...

pics look great!