Monday, July 23, 2012

They're Here!

The North Carolina Macdonald's are here!  This is the sort of thing we do in preparation for family coming--awesome amounts of root beer and cream soda!  (We downed this stuff yesterday with dinner.)
We have been so excited to have them come and see us up here in the North.  They got in later Saturday night, and yesterday was church, cooking for and cleaning up after 7 kids!  This morning we turned on a show for them to watch and I found them a few minutes later all in a row--except for baby Isaac.
There has been much laughter, and a few tears, but we're so happy to have them here!
Mimi is still struggling.  She had some successes last week with her toilet training, but I think so many people in the house, she is distracted and that means accidents.  She's still not getting that we don't make messes in our underwear.  Yesterday at the park, she dirtied two pairs of underwear in the hour or so they were there.  Brad brought her home with no underwear under her shorts.  Needless to say, I'm a little frustrated.  She's doing her best to hold it in, but we need it out!

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