Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Utah Man Am I

Today was another busy Saturday.  Brad is going to a boot camp class on Saturday mornings, and I need to run to get ready for the half.  This equals lots of time exercising, and then we get to play!  BYU, that is!  Brad got the higher end cable package so we could get ESPN where we can watch lots of games.  Or Brad can watch lots of games.  But I'll watch tonight's!  We invited a bunch of friends, who happen to be BYU fans, to come over and watch the game with us. 
This morning I was in bed, and I heard Brad get up.  A few minutes later, he comes back in to our room and wakes me up, saying, "Mercedes, someone vandalized the house last night!"  Of course I jumped right out of bed and saw the damage that had been done!  Our friends had come and BYU'd our house!  Chalk drawings all over the driveway, pennants, and calendars.  And a random cow in the lawn.  Not sure about that.  Brad took some video, but I can't find it.  I'll put it up later if I find it.
We attempted to get them back with the food for the night.  Red everywhere.
I was especially proud of my cupcakes and toppers!  Homemade cakes and self-designed toppers. 
And then we totally got them back when we won!  Go Utes!  We're going to be tired tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mercifully, We won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Cute treats also. Love Mom and Dad