Thursday, September 27, 2012


Mac is into drawing these days.  She drew this pretty flower with a storm.  Dark clouds and big fat raindrops.
She also drew some girls at the park.  I LOVE this picture.  And I love how her people have legs coming out of their heads.  It is so awesome.
I have been being artistic, as well.  Brad serves on the Board of Directors for Accountability Minnesota, which provides free tax assistance for low income families through volunteer work.  Tonight they are having a gala fundraiser that is fancy dress.  Of course this meant that I had to find a modest dress appropriate for a cocktail party.  I found a dress, and it just needed literally a half inch more on the 'sleeve' to cover the essentials, so I improvised.  I had some black satin that matched the waist band of the dress, so I fiddled with muslin until I came up with the correct shape and size of pattern piece to make these tiny petal sleeves.  If I do say so myself, they looked like they were there to begin with!
I managed full makeup, including red lipstick, and an updo--only using like 30 bobby pins.  I would have set off metal detectors.
The function itself was not super fun--it was a fundraiser, after all--but the food was good, and we had some friends there to talk with and enjoy.  It was really just fun to dress up and have somewhere to go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sade, your dress is so cute, but lets get down to business. We want to commission Mac to paint Casade Falls. She surely would do a better job than the fool who did the first attempt!!!!!!

Love Mom